i like to ponder.


Established 2005

This has been my blogging home for a few years now. Prior to that I lived online in a couple of other places. I’ve blogged about jobs, athletic endeavors, losing those 10 lbs, illness, all sorts of things really. And I’ve always struggled with the idea of having my personal life and professional life live together. As a pre Millennial, I’ve fought it long and hard. And here’s the deal, it’s pointless. I’ve lost the battle.

This past weekend I decided to delete all the content from this blog which was a little painful. I’ve documented quite a bit here including a cross country, life altering move to New York but I’ve also been whiney, obnoxious and all around too personal. My recent decision to wade into digital marketing has made me re-evaluate the whole thing. So my plan was to put this home on hiatus, dabble in Tumblr and see what’s next.

But I got an assignment to blog which feels so easy and natural, and reminded me how much I like to blog. I never had a serious following. Never had amazing content. But something I enjoy so today I’m thinking about how should I blog.

What’s the marriage of personal and professional? Is it possible for me?

What do I say? I don’t have a dog to pose and I’m not a self help guru.

I suspect these questions are really a part of my overall personal brand identity. Where does my blog fit among the entire story that encompasses news on Twitter, photos on Instagram and inspiration on Tumblr?

Sometimes my little GenX self wants to go back to my flip phone and Myspace but I guess it’s time to embrace the new online me.

Filed under: Uncategorized,

